Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Seminar Bandung


I m e l d a[2]


This study investigated some aspects of process of reading of English by Indonesian Learners, in particular the role of reading strategies in learners’ attempts to understand a text.

The subjects in this research were eight second-year high school students in the natural science stream at SMAN 10 in Bandar Lampung. They were classified as either good or poor readers.

Good and poor readers deal with texts in different ways. The objectives were (1) to identify what kind of problems the two groups faced and (2) to identify what reading strategies they used.

Students were presented with an English and asked to verbalize their thoughts as they tried to understand it – the so called ‘think aloud’ method commonly used in psychology. Their think-alouds were recorded on tape and transcribed, and then coded for analysis.

The problems faced by good and poor reader were similar in nature. However, poor readers had more problems than good readers. Their reading was slower and their comprehension was impeded by problems with lexis and some grammatical features.

The strategies used by the two groups were similar in many respects. In all, good readers used ten kinds of strategies and poor readers used eight kinds of strategies. An analysis of the types of strategies used, however, suggests that good readers probably use a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches (an interactive approach), while poor readers tend to rely more on a bottom-up approach.

[1] Makalah ini diangkat dari tesis master penulis di Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2005. Patut rasanya bila penulis kembali berterima kasih kepada dosen-dosen (Abdul Fatah Lauder, Rahayu S. Hidayat, Bulayat C. Sembiring dan Totok Suhardiyanto) yang telah memberikan saran dan kritik. Tidak lupa pula terima kasih saya haturkan kepada Ujang Suparman (FKIP-UNILA) yang menginspirasi penulis untuk meneliti strategi membaca.

[2] Penulis bekerja sebagai peneliti di Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan, LIPI.

Jl. Jendral Gatot Soebroto 10, Jakarta Selatan, e-mail: imelda@lipi.go.id.